Let go and experience tranquility and weightlessness with a body and mind relaxation massage

Relaxation Massage - Massotherapy Zeina Raya

Relaxation brings peace of mind and important health benefits. When short of time, a relaxation massage is particularly suitable for a quick decompression. It is a memorable sensory experience that results in reaching deep relaxation and instant release of tension. The relaxation massage is also known for improving psychological stability, sleep and the body recovery capacity. It is part of the most recommended care in North America to fight stress. 


Health benefits of a relaxation massage

•Decrease of the effects of stress on the body (migraines, insomnia, irritability…)

•Instant tension release

•Acceleration of body recovery

•Increase of energy level (chronic fatigue)

•Stimulation of immune system

•Regulation of digestive system functions

•Feeling of serenity and well-being